Uniform Information
We have taken into account the cost of school uniform and want to make it affordable to all parents and carers.
Second hand uniform
We encourage all families to consider using and donating second hand uniform, plain or logo. There is always second hand uniform available in school, please contact the school office if required.
Please consider donating your used uniform items as and when they are no longer required.
School Uniform - required items
- Plain or school logo blue polo shirt
- Grey skirt, grey pinafore or grey trousers
- Plain or school logo royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan
- Black comfortable, non-slip shoes (Black comfortable and flat, no trainers)
- White or grey socks.
- White, grey or royal blue tights
- Plain or school logo white t-shirt, navy shorts and trainers are required for PE
- Plain navy blue jog pants for outdoor PE
- School logo bookbag
- Plain or school logo PE bag
School uniform - optional items
- Royal blue fleece jacket with school logo
- Royal blue showerproof reversible coat
- Blue/white checked or blue striped summer school dress.
Logo school uniform is available to order directly from School Trends online here.
Non-logo uniform items can also be purchased from multiple retailers, including supermarkets.