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St Andrew's CE Infant School

Inspiring Learners, Growing Together

Inspiring Learners, Growing Together


Visiting portrait artist - David Newens

As part of this terms learning about portraiture, we had a visit from a the local portrait artist, David Newans. David is an accomplished artist with a wealth of experience spanning 30 years and has featured in many major exhibitions in London.

He showed the children some of his oil paintings and drawings and talked to the them about his life as an artist. David did a 10 minute sketch of Mrs Pritchard, in front of the children and talked about the use of tone to create form. The children then had a go at making their own speedy portraits of each other while David made a longer study of one of our other visitors. The children stopped to see his drawing at different stages and were surprised by how life like his drawings were.

Year Two Leavers

We had a lovely service in church to celebrate the achievements of our year two leavers. All our friends and families came to say goodbye.

Canal Trip

What a fabulous morning the children of St Andrews had with a trip on ‘Electra’ the community canal boat. We made so many connections with our learning about habitats, environmental pollution caused by plastic waste, and identifying human and natural features in the urban landscape. We also did an eye spy walk along the tow path and noticed how many plants were starting to fruit – from tiny cockers to brambles and wild rose.

Exploring an ocean theme in art

In art the children at St Andrews have really enjoyed exploring watery worlds as part of our oceans and sea topic. KS1 made their own sketchbooks from old envelopes and created mixed media artwork in response to listening to soundscapes of the ocean and watching images of tropical underwater scenes. The reception children started their big painting of the ocean using brooms and cardboard scrapers to create texture and movement. They then used collage, making fish and sea creatures to swim in their ocean. We have looked closely at shells and made observational drawings in our sketchbooks using drawing pencils and worked on a larger scale in charcoal. This week we have been exploring different printing techniques - drawing into an inked surface and making mono prints and then making push prints with tiles that we drew into. We have a school full of budding artists!


Outdoor Learning Week

What an amazing outdoor learning week we have had at St Andrews. Taking our inspiration from the beautiful book by Laura Brand – Slow down and be here, we have looked closely at our local environment and discovered plants and mini beasts that live in a variety of different habitats. We have also explored making mini beasts in art and moving like them with Layla the drama teacher.  Exciting visitors such as Cave Man (physical fitness) and The Great Gappo (circus skills) came to school and got us using our bodies in new ways. We also made our own paintbrushes using naturally found materials and explored mark making with them. What a fabulous week of learning we had.

Early morning yoga group enjoying the sunshine

Our wonderful volunteers

We were blessed to be visited this week by a group of volunteers from the National House Building Council who gave up their time to help tidy the garden, a job that was in great need of doing! They worked tirelessly - cutting the grass, weeding the garden and helping to clear an area for us to turn into a quiet reflection corner. During our collective worship the group spoke to the children about what it means to give up their time and energy and how it makes them feel good, doing something for others, without expecting anything in return. This linked beautifully to our value of service that we are focusing on this term. From us to them …THANK YOU!

Easter at St Andrews

It was wonderful to gather with friends and family in the village church for our Easter activity session. The children loved The Flowering of the Cross and along with the Easter garden they made, decorated the church during Holy week.

Budding gymnasts

The children really enjoyed our trips to Kingston Gym and it was fantastic to use the equipment and have specialist teachers on hand.

Our London street scene at the time of the Great Fire

Still image for this video

The children have loved learning all about the Great Fire of London and building their models of Tudor houses.

We love Forest School
